Part 1. And the journey begins...
To all participants at the talk, “Journey of the Soul”
As from this week, I pray that I will begin to answer your questions and despatch it to you via e-mail. I wish to thank our dear Mr. P.K. Moorthy of Pure Life Society for encouraging me to do this. He also very kindly promised that he will assist in despatching the e-mails to you.
The world is not a happy world in this day! The body of mankind is being inflicted with all manner of diseases that is slowly weakening the pillars of human dignity. That members of human society have eagerly come to be members of inter-faith societies all over the world is a happy sign and let us pray and hope that our little contribution towards unity amongst ourselves, will reverberate to encompass the hearts of all mankind!
Question: You talked about the soul. From where did you get your facts. Was it from any religious books?
Answer: From a time, that has no beginning unil a time that has no end, the Creator of all that is seen and unseen in the universe will communicate with human beings whom He adresses as His children. Not just his children but His loving children, created in His own image! Human parents are responsible to attract their children into this human dimension. Will these parents not look after and nurture their children? Of course they will! How much more will be the concern of the Creator!
The Creator will assuredly look after His children. He has given assurance of this promise! Being Omniscient, He will walk with His children every moment of their life, whether living in this world or the next!
In my talk, I had categorically proved that every human being, is both; a physical being, the body and a spiritual being; the soul. In truth every human being is truly an invisible soul traveling in this seeing material world with a visible body! The spiritual world is an invisible world. God is invisible and also unknowable. The soul has come from God. How then is it possible for an unknown, invisible God to communicate with His creation; the soul which is traveling in this material seeing dimension? He created the soul, because He loved his creation. He will surely want to guide the soul, protect the soul, and empower the souls’ progress in this world because He wishes that His creation return to Him!
How does God the invisible, unknown entity; the Creator comunicate with the soul?
This he does through His Prophets and Messengers. The Prophets and Messengers of God; Who are outworldy just like any human being, but inwardly a Divine Soul, are His Spokesmen in this human world. When these Divine Spokesmen, speak, it is God Who speaks through Them. The Words they utter are known as the Word of God. It is the Word of God that is left behind after these Gems of Holiness leave this human material world. Their Word is then compiled and it is this Compilation that begets a true Religion of God.
The Religion of God in all true religions of the past and the present very categorically teach about the soul, the mind, and the body. The Teachings about this subject do not vary from the Truth, but it varies in the manner it is revealed to those around Them. These Truths are given to their immediate followers according to the capacity of their receptivity. With the passage of time and when subsequent Prophets and Messengers from God appear, the very same Truth is then revealed in a more clear manner!
It is after more than 40 years of research and study of all the available and known Holy Books of all religions that I have come to know about the soul and its relation to the mind and body! How else could I know who I am? I now know that I am a soul traveling as a human being in this material human dimension; traveling fron birth to death of the body. I know that I am an invisible entity. traveling in this visible material human world. I know I am a spiritual invisible being and I need a visible vehicle (my body) to travel in this visible world; the material world.
Had I not studied as many true Holy Books of God of the past and present; Books that gave rise to true religion, how else could I have known about who I am and about the soul, the mind, and the body?
My answer is this; yes, I have gathered facts about the soul of a human being, from true religion; from the true Holy Books of God sent down from Age to Age,through His Prophets and Messengers.
For your kind information dear participants, I have as of now received 31 questions which I have recorded. I have decided to answer one question every week. This e-mail is my first answer to the first question. The answers for the other questions will be sent to you by e-mail. Should you know of any in your family and amongst your friends with whom you would like to share these answers, kindly forward this e-mail answers to them. They can then contact me. This will enable me to in future send to them directly my weekly mail with answers, with your compliments.
Next week, I will answer this question:
Question: Why are religions as we now know, fighting each other? Why are they prejudiced against each other? Why are the laws of one religion not the same as another? This cannot be, if it is true that all religions have come from One and the same God.
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