Part 2. Religious Strife
Question: Why are religions as we now know, fighting each other? Why are they prejudiced against each other? Why are the laws of one religion not the same as another? This cannot be, if it is true that all religions have come from One God?
You have mentioned in your question, and I suppose you believe in God, that if all religions have come from God, why is there so much of tragic sufferings within the body of humankind. You also wanted to know why, if all religions have come from God, why are there differing laws in religious teachings.
You must be congratulated for asking such questions and that shows that you are seriously investigating to know about God and His religion. One of the main reason why this world is undergoing so much suffering, is because human beings have shied away from the question: Who am I? It is only when a human being sincerely, and independently investigate the knowledge of God, can one arrive at a truthful answer to the question: Who am I? How many do that? That is the reason why I congratulate you, because you want to know about God!
You are right. In this day in the name of religion there is so much widespread disunity, so much killing of human beings, so much prejudices, so much hurting and so much tragic happenings! Who are the ones suffering the most? Human beings like each and every one of us!
If religion is the cause of such pain and suffering, dont you think it is better to live without religion? The Truth is that no one can live to fulfil the purpose of creation, if one does not practice a true Religion!
Therefore let us investigate Religion! Religion is a teaching from God! If it is God, Who revealed Religion, then it must be of great importance for His Creation; human beings, to know about it! Religion should be the cause of unity of its followers. That is the most important attribute of a true Religion from God! It is this unity that will give rise to a stable and enduring, peace and prosperity amongst mankind!
If Religion is revealed to human beings, to unite the followers, why should it be a reason to cause disunity? The fault cannot be from the Teachings of God! Assuredly not! Then whose fault could that be? When we investigate impartially, we will discover that the fault lies squarely on the shoulders of those who lead the followers in the name of God! These leaders are not proclaiming the true Teachings of God! They are proclaiming what they think is right teaching. They have interpreted the true Teachings according to their capacity to understand! Therefore the followers without even the least imagination accept as Truth whatever they are told by these leaders and in the end the followers practice and perpetrate deeds that are completely far from Truth! Therein lies the tragedy!
To recapitulate: Religion is a teaching from God. This teaching is sent as a guide to His children; human beings. If human beings recognise His Teachings, study, understand, and in deeds obey the laws and principles within the Teachings, they will bring about unity, peace and prosperity and are assured to go back to God in Paradise . If on the other hand, human beings do not independently investigate to want to know, who one is, for what purpose one is created, and how to relate oneself to another human being, for sure, that human being will end his or her journey in this human dimension to find himself or herself arriving at a wrong destination in the next spiritual world!
The next part of your question:Why are the laws of one religion not the same as another? This cannot be, if it is true that all religions have come from One God?
This is a very searching question. Just because you have asked such a question, you will indeed be blessed, because the truthful answer to this question will assuredly benefit hundreds of readers of this e-mail.
The soul of every human being is sent by God, to travel in this material world, to be immersed in Spiritual Education, in order to develop spiritual virtues before it ends its journey in this human dimension, upon the death of the body-vehicle. In this process souls collectively all over the world also become part of empowering an ever-advancing civilisation on planet earth.
Souls have to be educated to become part of this process and this education is provided by God, through His Prophets or Messengers, Who are also known as Educators! Mankind has evolved on planet earth from a time that has no beginning and will continue to do so until a time that has no end. These Educators appear amongst mankind from time to time between a thousand years or more and sometime even less.
Mankind as we now know was not living the kind of life, that people hundreds or thousands of years ago lived. At that time the body of mankind was in its infancy. At that time mankind could not have percieved this planet as a globe and as one home for all. At that time, when the generality of mankind considered the planet to be flat, they could not have ventured out for any distance for fear that they will reach a precipice. At that time travel and communication were in its most primitive stage. At that time if God had wished to share His ediucation He could not have sent only One Educator for the whole world, At that time, God sent many Educators to many parts of the globe to reach and educate people living in isoltaed areas.
An impartial study of the evolution of mankind on planet earth will reveal that as time passed the family unit, progressed to family grouping, which in turn progressed to tribal grouping, and with the passage of time to village-state grouping, then to national grouping, in this age the education to bring about an ever-advancing civilisation on planet earth must be relevant to global grouping! Each of the conditions of living of people at the time of the coming of the Educators, necessitated special levels of laws and principles to enable a practical impetus to aid and assist in the progressively advancing evolution of civilisation.
>From the earliest days, mankind evolved from the child stage, then to youth stage, then to adolescence stage and now in this age, mankind is reaching the mature adult stage. At each stage of evolution the Educator Who appears, reveals the Teachings from God suitable for that particular time!
Take for example UNITY. Unity is so vital an ingredient before peace, prosperity and happiness of mankind can be achieved. Even the laws for varying levels of unity as a pre-requisite to fulfil the purpose of creation of the individual, from the beginning of time differed in each of the Teachings of God.
Thousands of years ago, the Educator revealed the importance of family unity. After hundreds of years the Educator Who appeared at that time, and Who witnessed the coming together of families into tribes, revealed how to achieve tribal unity. Then followed village-state unity. Following this teaching on unity, the time came for national unity. In this day, it is imperative that global unity consciousness must pervade the minds of people to enable global unity, to bring about global peace, prosperity and happiness!
At the same time differing Social Laws are also revealed with regards to marriage and divorce, punishment for criminal acts etc. All these differences in Social Laws are to suit differing living conditions!
Religious Teachings which encompass both Spiritual Laws which do not change, and Social Laws which change to suit conditions of living, at the time when the Educator appears, does not necessarily mean that one Religion of God has differing laws at one time!
It is now apparent as clear as the sun, that One God, revealed One Book of Religion with many chapters and each chapter, appearing at different times amongst different peoples on planet earth living under different conditions during the appearence of the Educator had been given different laws suitable for that particular time; this, in order to promote an ever-advancing civilisation!
Whatever differing laws were revealed from time to time, the end-result was for those willing and wanting to obey The Creator, follow in deeds these differing Social Laws in order to collectively achieve a progressively advancing civilisation, with unity of mankind as its foundation.
Dear participant, this is the clever question you e-mailed to me; Why are the laws of one religion not the same as another? This cannot be, if it is true that all religions have come from One God? The answer given in this e-mail, will perhaps want you to study how in the Plan of God sent through His Educators, God has initiated progressive and differing Social Laws in religion, to suit the living conditions of the people at that time of the appearance of the Educator and also to promote to bring about an ever-advancing civilisation on planet earth.
Next week, the following question will receive an answer:
You mentioned in your talk that the soul must be prepared in this life to live eternally in Paradise . How to prepare? Please explain.
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