Part 3. The soul in this life...
Question:You mentioned in your talk that the soul must be prepared in this life to live eternally in Paradise . How to prepare? Please explain.
Yes! The soul must develop spiritual virtues in this life, here on planet earth, living as a human being in the human dimension, before it returns to the spiritual world to live eternally in Paradise . The necessity to develop spiritual virtues before the soul can reach and continue to live in Paradise , is a law of the Creator. the Creator is also known as God. This is a commandment found in all the Holy Books revealed by the Prophets and Messengers of God! No human being can question what has been ordained by the Creator.
In this letter and following it, and every week hereafter an attempt will be made to spell out in detail the answer to your illuminating question. After you read this Week-3 -Part 1 letter and the letters to follow, be assured that you will have no doubt from thence on that unless the soul in this life develops spiritual values before the death of the body-vehicle, that soul can never ever enjoy the joy and bliss of living eternally in Paradise!
The soul is a spiritual creation. The soul is invisible to the material eyes of a human being. The soul is an emanation from its Creator, just like the rays of the physical sun is an emanation from it. This emanation can also be described in this manner. Imagine the soul as a drop emanating from the Ocean of vibrations which make up the Creator. Just as a drop from the physical ocean has all the qualities and mixture of that ocean, in like manner the soul has within its composition all the attributes or spiritual values of the Creator.
Yet another example will make the relationship between the soul and the Creator much more clearer. A fruiting tree, appears from a seed of that variety. First the seed dies before the seedling appears. The seedling then grows into a tree. The tree then bears leaves, flowers and fruits. The fruit within it has its seed. This seed then continues to propagate the tree from which it originated. All the time the seed has within it potentially latent all the characteristics of the tree from which it originated!
Just as the seed is part of the tree, so the soul is part of the Creator. Just as the seed has within it all the characteristics of the fruiting tree, so the soul too has all the attributes of the Creator. These attributes or virtues of the Creator are all latent and potential within the soul.
A seed in order to fulfil the purpose of its creation has to undergo certain processes before the potential within it unfolds to bring about flowers and fruits. In the same manner the soul too will have to undergo certain processes before the virtues latent within it can be developed and manifested. Thus the soul fulfills the purpose of its creation.
In my years of research I have found it is easy to comprehend the spiritual soul to the physical seed. This is an easy way to enable seekers to visualise the progress of the soul, during its journey along the prescribed Highway of Life, in order to reach and live eternally in Paradise !
To remind the readers, your questions was: You mentioned in your talk that the soul must be prepared in this life to live eternally in Paradise . How to prepare? Please explain.
We have arrived at a consensus that when we compare the workings the visible physical seed to the invisible spiritual soul; this comparison will assist in describing, to understand the nature of the invisible soul.
In this way, the answer to your question as to how the soul must be prepared to reach and live eternally in Paradise can be made easily understandable.
To recapitulate: Every human being living in this human world in the human dimension has collectively experienced three worlds. The human body has experienced two worlds and the human soul three worlds. The human body has experienced firstly the world of the womb of the mother and secondly this the present human world. The soul has experienced the spiritual world from where it originated, next the womb-world of the mother and now the soul is experiencing this human world.
The physical seed is an indirect creation of the tree from which it originated
The soul originated directly from the Almighy Creator
The seed has within it potentially all the qualities of the tree
The soul has within it potentially all the attributes of the Creator; God.
The physical seed must be sown in a fertile soil and exposed to the physical sun.
The soul must be sown in a non-prejudiced heart and exposed the the Spiritual Sun of the Age.
The physical seed within a process animated by the vegetable spirit, gives birth to the seedling.
The soul too within a process animated by the human spirit gives birth to the Spirit of Faith
The physical seed which is now a seedling grows to become a trunk, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.
The soul following a process is now re-born into the Spirit of Faith. The re-born soul then progresses to develop spiritual virtues and ends up as a spiritual fruit. It is the spiritual fruit that finds itself in Paradise . All these have to happen while the body is still living in this world. In this world the re-born soul develops virtues, and manifests in deeds amongst mankind the attributes of its Creator. Only that soul, which is sown and grows in a non-prejudiced heart, is re-born as a Spirit of Faith. The re-born soul then recognises and understands the Teachings of God revealed through His Manifestation or Educator for this age. This re-born soul, living in deeds in obedience to the Teachings contributes as a change-agent to bring about a body of mankind living in unity, peace, prosperity and happiness!
Part 4. We will continue to describe how the soul will have to be prepared in this life to enable it to continue to live eternally in Paradise .
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