Part 4. The soul in this life continued...
This installment will continue sharing answers to the question: You mentioned in your talk that the soul must be prepared in this life to live eternally in Paradise . How to prepare? Please explain.
Before continuing Part 2 answers, the followng is a request to those who have reached this blog recently. It will be of assistance to new readers to start reading from Welcome, Part 1, Part2 etc. (The links are found on the right-hand side of the page)
In the last installment Part 3, some relevant facts dealing with the Journey of the Soul was made clear. The installment ended with the fact that the soul comes into the human dimension as a seed (as a seed of a fruiting or flowering tree) This statement about a seed and the potential within it, is an analogy to better describe the likeness of soul-qualities and the seed-qualities of any seed in the vegetable world.
At this juncture it will be beneficial to receive an in-depth understanding of the Journey of the Soul, by recapitulating some facts mentioned in the early installments.
You are a soul; a spiritual reality. You have come from the spiritual world; from the Creator. You have been sent to this human dimension to develop spiritual virtues before you return to the spiritual world. If you have chosen to develop the potential attributes of the Creator, which are spiritual values or virtues, while travelling in this human dimension, you will assuredly reach to spend an eternal life in Paradise .
Nothing that is created by the Almighty Creator in the universe have been created with the power of choice; to choose what to do. Only the soul of a human being has been given this power; the power to make choices. This means that only a soul created in the image of God, besides having the power to make many other choices that have to be made, can either choose to live to obey his Creator or to disobey Him! This is an awsome responsibility! This power to make choices bestowed upon the soul by the Creator, the Creator will not take back! Therefore the soul of a human being cannot revert to God for any good or bad that the soul experiences in this human life! How can it be? The Creator through His Mesengers or Prophets has from Age to Age sent to mankind in all parts of this planet , laws, principles and ordinances for His creation. The soul has been empowered with the capacity to read, to know, to understand, and transform such undersanding into action in its daily living. The onus of responsibility to either obey or disobey the Creator falls squarely on the choices the soul makes!
In one of the earliest Scriptures sent by the Creator, the soul has been described as a rider and the body as a horse. The horse in this case is likened to the human body which the soul uses as a vehicle to choose to travel along the Highway of Life, which leads to Paradise . The soul which is the rider, will have to choose to ride along the Highway of Life by obeying the commandments of the Creator or else choose to go wherever the horse goes.
The soul is a divine entity. The horse is an animal with animalistic tendencies. The horse is incapable of knowing what is good for the soul. The horse will only do what it is instinctively programmed to do so. The soul on the other hand has the power to know what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, what to do and what not to do to ensure a safe along a right passage back to the spiritual world and live eternally in Paradise.
Should the soul give up its divinely ordained responsibilities while travelling in this world and expect the horse to guide it along to wherever the horse wants to go, for sure the soul will only do what the horse wants it to do! In this case the soul becomes the slave, and the horse its master! How sad! What a shame! When this happens the soul comes to live a life worse than that of an animal!
Do we need a clever scientist, distinguished scholars or a need to indulge in vast and expensive research to want to know why in the world today, human beings are living out their lives worse than an animal? There is only one and only one answer! These pitiable human beings have become slaves to the animalistic craving desires of their bodies. These people living with a body similar to animals, and in addition, gifted with a power to think, ideate and create unlike the animals, have become more animalistic than animals! Are these people travelling along the true Highway of Life?
Therefore I wish to congratulate you for asking this question: You mentioned in your talk that the soul must be prepared in this life to live eternally in Paradise . How to prepare? Please explain.
If you had not asked this searching question, many who are the readers of this blog, would not have had the opportunity to know, to see the Truth without any intervening veils of false knowledge. They would have known about the need for the soul to be prepared to enter the spiritual world and live eternally in Paradise !
Know this! You are truly a spiritual reality! You are a soul created in the image of the Almighty Creator. You are created a spiritual child. You belong to the spiritual world. You are expected to gravitate towards the spiritual world. Do not let your body drag you down; to gravitate downwards to the material world; towards dust! Be a master of your body. Your body is only a tool which you use; a tool with animal instincts, animal-like sensory organs. Use this tool; your body wisely. Do not let the body and its animal wants use you! Do not surrender your divinity! Be vigilant! The siren call from all manner of temptations will seduce you. Be aware and be careful that you do not surrender your divine birthright!
Before discussing any further the pre-requsites that can prepare the soul to gain entry into Paradise , it will be of benefit to know at this juncture the meaning of Justice.
Justice is an institution that stands on two pillars. One pillar is Rewards and the other is Punishment. In every facet of life both in this material world and in the next, the aura of justice must be protected, upheld and practised. In the material world a criterion to evaluate justice in action is obedience to laws that flow from recognised authority.
In the spiritual world which is the eternal abode of the soul, the law of the Creator must be obeyed in deeds in order to attract justice.
Every other entity in creation unconditionally obeys the law of the Creator. The physical sun for example, has been shining from the begining of time and it will continue to shine because of its obedience to the law of God. Its purpose is to shine while generating its life-giving, warmth-giving, growth-promoting rays. The physical sun cannot disobey the Creator! The physical sun has no power to do otherwise! Justice here is unconditional. The earth travels around the physical sun once in three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days. It has always kept this schedule. It cannot opt for a round number of days! It is a law of the Creator! It cannot go against the will of the Creator. This is again an example of unconditional justice.
The soul too must also obey the law of the Creator is order to reap the fruits of justice. But in the case of the soul, this spiritual entity has been given the power of choice. Using this power of choice the soul can either obey or disobey the Creator. When the soul lives a life obeying the laws of the Creator, it will earn rewards and live heareafter an immortal life in Paradise . On the other hand when a soul uses its power of choice to disobey the Creator, it will then have to reap Punishments and be consigned to live hereafter in Hell! This is the essence of Justice!
In the next installment the question about how the soul should be prepared to live eternally in Paradise will be discussed further.
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